I’m really not a gardener…

It’s really hotting up outside today. The last of the clouds are clearing and from across the fields I can see blue sky is heading in my direction. I’m really not a gardener, I enjoy cutting the grass. Marching up and down with the mower and my headphones on I find quite therapeutic but when it comes to weeding etc I find that tiresome. I do however love the gorgeous flowers that grow, the bright colours that make you feel summery and being able to cut flowers to bring into the house. Our rose seems to be climbing its way to heaven this year, I think a good pruning will be needed once it has finished flowering but the rose heads are huge, just unfortunately too high for us to reach and cut. I did pick these beautiful peonies instead, one of my favourite flowers. I find myself looking at the petals and thinking ‘that would make a great ink colour’ I’d love to see photos of your garden or favourite flowers, it might give some inspiration for new colour combinations in o...