Giving to others using Stampin Up

Making cards for my blog etc i often end up with quite a few in a box that i don't have use for straight away. So rather than leaving them pile up i have decided to choose a couple of very poorly children and their families to send cards to at random times. Hopefully to bring a smile to their face or a moment of distraction from the difficult times they are going through at the moment. Likewise i know there are lots of elderly persons who don't have relatives living close by or elderly persons who are perhaps housebound and unable to go visit family and friends so become lonely sitting on their own all day. A simple card through the post could really brighten someones day. If you know of any elderly persons who are in a similar situation and you think they would love to receive a card please drop me an email to and i would be delighted to pop one in the post to them. (please note UK only) Please feel free to comment below if there are ...